
The Statue of Hachikō is of a famous dog who had incredible loyalty to his owner. The place is now a relatively popular meeting spot, and good for people-watching.
*Statue of Hachikō
The Statue of Hachikō is of a famous dog who had incredible loyalty to his owner. The place is now a relatively popular meeting spot, and good for people-watching.
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One of the most famous shopping centers in Tokyo, although it appeals more to the female population. It is one of the best places to see and buy the latest fashions.
*Shibuya 109
One of the most famous shopping centers in Tokyo, although it appeals more to the female population. It is one of the best places to see and buy the latest fashions.
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Shibuya (渋谷) is a famous fashionable shopping district of Tokyo, with department stores and shopping malls filled with boutiques.
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